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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Han Yue's update - 瀚月

Han Jin seems has grown a lot academically. Not Han Yue, who still cannot identify ABC (while, only identifies ABC among the 26 letters) and counts from 1 to 20, but not able to count any objects correctly as she will just continue counting until 20. This could be just a second child thing, that I don't have that much time to teach her, or it could be just a girl thing, that I want her just to enjoy life, at least when she's below 3, or 4..

Her interests lie in dressing up (she picks her clothing by herself, matches hair band to outfit, favors pink, favors tutu), dancing ballet (I signed her up for a kiddy ballet course but the school shifted last week and we withdrew as daddy thought it is not safe for me to drive her alone for so far??), and reading stories (finally something sounds more intelligent...).

She's in her full fledged terrible two stage. She snatches toys from Han Jin, hits him with whatever available and wails at the top of her lung if I scolded at her behaviour. I hope this is really temporary and she will revert back to a sweet little angel.

While, she is not THAT bad. She repeatedly asks "Are you angry with me?" "Do you still love me?" after each such incidents and promises that she will not do it again. So, not stubborn, ready to admit mistakes and having a good attitude to apologize and ascertain her being loved status.... but... she does it again... and again...

What should I do with it? I always find myself at the short end. What age is a good time to discipline? Some might say it is never too early, and I should probably be more stern and strict with her. I might should, but till she passes the terrible three period?

There were once at the playground, mei pushed a younger girl, and I ordered her to apologize which she refused. It took me a good five minutes to convince her that she was wrong. When I brought her to the victim to say sorry, the grandpa turned away as if we are the most disgusting people and sniffed 'not interested'. I stunned and said 'pardon?'. I received another sniff: 'bring your child up properly'.... urr.. yes, I need and will bring my child up properly. But how proper it is to respond to an apology in such a manner? After all, it's not unusual that kids push each other at playground.  Am I too sensitive that his diminishing look actually started when I switched to Mandarin when persuading Mei Mei to apologize?

Hold on, you strayed from the topic. Yes, this entry is about Mei's progress.

She grew taller and is often mistaken as a 3 year old.

She goes to the same kindergarten as Han Jin for 2 hours a day. I peeped at her through the window on the first day and she was happily fishing at the small tank (pictured below). Quite lacking on studies at the moment. I intended to send her to a full day childcare nearby which is a new private center which I hoped to receive better care, but it didn't turn out to be any better, and I had her into the same school as Han Jin.

She is close to me, and 'protects' me when I fake cry if I got into something with Han Jin or Daddy. She is mummy's girl, for now, and I hope, forever.

(is this a fair entry after I had a full day of a sleeping-deprived her?)

- 越来越爱美,挑衣服,只爱粉红色,近期最爱的是蓬蓬纱裙和一件Dora的裙子(好像是睡裙,可是妹妹的审美观认为穿出街也是可以的);
- 26个字母只认得ABC,数字数得到20, 但是没有数数的概念;
- 在不讲理的两岁,会欺负哥哥,被训会大声哭,会认错,会一再问我还爱她吗? 我还生气吗?会跟哥哥道歉。。。 但是,屡教不改。怎么办呢?真的只能等到三岁吗?
- 喜欢去上芭蕾课,但是老爸嫌太远,担心我的驾驶技术?
- 和瀚今在一间学校,每天只上两个小时。是不是应该送全天的,去学学规矩?


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